Donate to the Campaign

Running a successful judicial campaign depends on the financial help of loyal friends and supporters like you. That’s why the Friends of Audrey Victoria Cosgrove campaign committee is asking you to donate. Your contribution will help the committee purchase signs, mailers, flyers, advertising and other campaign supplies. Your contribution will also enable the candidate to attend various community events to meet the voters in the 11th Sub Circuit. By becoming a supporter, you become an important part of the political process and Audrey's path to representing our whole community on the bench.

On-line donations can be made via the form below. Please know that a small portion of every on-line donation is diverted to administrative fees. To avoid those fees, donations can be made via a check made out to “Friends of Audrey Victoria Cosgrove ” and mailed to the committee c/o Treasurer Thomas Cosgrove, 1642 Tanglewood Dr., Varna, IL 61375

Friends of Audrey Victoria Cosgrove is not currently accepting contributions. Thank you for your support!