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HIRA Action

*** Hawaii Republican Action SuperPAC **

We urgently need YOUR kokua to spread a Republican message of conservative reform to voters statewide and to build an army of reform-minded activists to defeat the ruling liberal Democrat cabal of self-dealing cronies. HIRA Action is committed to removing the liberal politicians and the pay-to-play puppets who have been taking our state in the wrong direction since before statehood. Join Us Today - Change Hawaii Tomorrow.

Choose Amount*

Payment Details*

By clicking on the "Donate Once/Donate Monthly" button you confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:

  • I am a United States citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with permanent residence status.
  • This contribution is made from the funds of the donor identified above, and not those of another.
  • Donor is not a foreign national who lacks permanent resident status in the United States.
  • This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor (does not apply to personal contributions by subcontractors, employees, partners, shareholders or officers of federal contractors).
  • This contribution is made on a credit or debit card of the donor listed above for which the donor has legal obligation to pay, and is not made on the card of another.

Contribution Terms

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. We are registered with the Federal Election Commission as an independent expenditure committee. Accordingly, we may accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, and other organizations. Your contribution is not subject to FEC limits. Our spending is independent, and it does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties.