Gun Giveaway for Marmon for Idaho

Tickets not available after midnight October 19, 2024

Marmon for Idaho


Tickets for handgun giveaway

Every guest is entitled to one free ticket for our giveaway of a Taurus G2S 9mm handgun and leather holster.

Donation to the campaign for extra handgun giveaway tickets


Bonus for a $100 donation - get 6 handgun giveaway tickets

This event has been created and paid for by Marmon for Idaho Kent Marmon, Treasurer

Campaign Fundraising Dinner

SORRY! You missed out on the dinner on Saturday, October 12th! Additional campaign donations may be made using
Total: $0
Payment Details*

Your donation is not complete until you click here

Donations to legislative campaigns in Idaho are limited to $1,000 per person per election cycle. All donations must be reported to the Idaho Secretary of State on our monthly campaign finance reports and must include the name(s) and address of each donor.