Mike Bedenbaugh here.
I’m the son of a farmer and a teacher, a proud Navy veteran and an engaged citizen that believes this nation is more than the current polarized rhetoric we are being inundated with .
I’m running for House of Representatives because our country is on a path of doubt, division, and self-destruction, and we need representatives who not only believe in the Constitution, but willing to defend it in the halls of congress. Leaders who are willing to fight for the economic empowerment of our communities and not just the mega corporations who want to monopolize our economy from top to bottom. My campaign, based on my 95 Theses for a Free Republic, offers opportunity for solutions that will moderate the fury of party spirit, end the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, place guards against the impostures of pretended patriotism, return to fiscal responsibility, and help empower individual entrepreneurialism.
If you are a resident of South Carolina, like what I have to say and want to join our team, I'm hoping you will help us with a generous contribution of any amount to support my campaign today.
Thank you in advance for your generous contribution.
My very best,
Michael Bedenbaugh